

This is a free event but we do accept donations and canned goods which we donate to local Gwinnett county charities.
Parking is free but extremely limited being this is a home haunt! We suggest carpooling if possible or even an Uber/Lyft.
We open at 8pm and will not accept entry after 11pm. Everyone in line before that time will go through.
Yes we are open when it rains but our line is not covered. Plan accordingly.
Don't let the location fool you…
We leave this up to the parents discretion but do not recommend young children
10 min max
4 people maximum at a time. No exceptions as this is our home.
Unfortunately no, the nature of our attraction is not ideal for women who are pregnant
Unfortunately no, the nature of our attraction is not ideal for anyone with a mobility issue.
No we do not sell food or beverages
Pictures are not allowed when walking through the haunt but we do allow pictures in the queue line and have a few photo ops available as well.
Unfortunately no, but there are several gas stations nearby.